Friday, November 9, 2007

beca para lulin?

Tengo un monton de cosas pa contar (pero pocos acentos, vio), pero primero aca va una posibilidad que quizas te interese, lul. Quizas, no, pero va igual. No se como es el tema del titulo, medio chino. Igual, no se pierde nada con llamar a estas gentes y averiguar que onda.

From: Louise McNally
Subject: Syntax, Semantics, Acquisition: PhD Student, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
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Institution/Organization: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Department: Translation and Philology
Web Address:

Level: PhD

Duties: Project Work

Job Rank: PhD

Specialty Areas: Semantics; Syntax


The Department of Translation and Philology at Universitat Pompeu Fabra
anticipates the possibility of sponsoring three four-year research
assistantships for doctoral study, one for each of the following funded projects:

1. Long distance dependencies: Theoretical and descriptive approaches (PI: Alex

2. Natural Language Ontology and the Semantic Representation of Abstract Objects
(PI: Louise McNally)

3. Context, contact and level of competence the acquisition of English as a
foreign language: The development of oral and written abilities by advanced
level learners (PI: Carmen Pérez Vidal)

The basic eligibility requirement is a Bachelor's degree or equivalent dated no
later than January 1, 2004 (or January 1, 2000 for those who can accredit having
spent the period between 1/1/2000-1/1/2004 taking care of dependents younger
than 6 years old).

The scholarship includes a monthly stipend, coverage by the Social Security
system, and university fees related to doctoral study. The assistantship also
includes the possibility of applying for grants for short-term stays abroad.
Annual renewal of the assistantship will depend on successful progress in the
doctoral studies and collaboration on the research projects.

As the application for these assistantships is handled through the Spanish
Ministry of Education and Science (specifically, via web at, we strongly recommend individuals who are
interested in applying to contact the principal investigator of the project of
interest for technical assistance with the application process, as there are a
few simple but necessary bureaucratic matters that must be dealt with in order
to be able to apply.

For more information about the projects and the doctoral degrees offered by the
Department of Translation and Philology at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, see the
website listed above or contact the principal investigator of the project that
interests you:

Louise McNally: louise.mcnally at
Alex Alsina: alex.alsina at
Carmen Pérez: carmen.perez at

We anticipate that the web interface for the application process will be open
for 15 days during the month of January 2008. We therefore strongly recommend
that candidates contact us no later than December 21, 2007 (and preferably
sooner) for information on how to proceed.

Applications Deadline: 21-Dec-2007

Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Louise McNally
Departament de Traduccio i Filologia, UPF
La Rambla 30-32
Barcelona Barcelona 08018

Contact Information:
Louise McNally

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